Monday, February 23, 2009


My objective is to explore different ways of identifying things with pantone colors. For example, an identity system using color instead of words. The book will consist of 3 parts, the first being people, the second being numbers and found type, and the third being similarities between the two connections. As of right now its all still a little unclear as to what exactly i'll be in the end. However, I believe the more I collect the more evident it'll become to myself.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I can't seem to find a connection within the reading and this exploration. What the hell. I think I'm looking too hard. I'm going to look else where.

PS-I don't know why my photos continue to be blue...does anyone have the same problem?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Exploration #8_Cracks

#8 Cracks_map out pavement cracks in your neighborhood. 

I decided to address this exploration little differently by documenting the cracks a beginning with an end. My starting point was from the driveway outside my house to where ever the cracks lead me inside.

Monday, February 9, 2009

quotes and connections

Quotes from "Spine"

Some connections I made from the reading and with my exploration. I don't know why they're neon!?

(a buckle found in dunkin donuts bathroom)

Caffeine Consumption

Experience #15 is to keep track of everything I consume in a day or week. I decided that my diet of subway and chicken fingers wouldn't be that exciting. So instead I recorded my consumption of coffee and soda for six days. 
Now I know why I don't sleep....

Monday, February 2, 2009

Possibly a connection...

While sitting in class overviewing my experiences I noticed a slight connection between the two. In my first experience instead of finding one color to match a paint chip, I arranged the colors into palettes. Where as in my second experience I took a photo of the type, and then felt the need to identify and categorized the typefaces.
For some reason (without being conscious of it) it seems as though I naturally gravitate towards categorizing things any way I can. This is mannerism is totally new to me.

Found Type

Below are different uses of typefaces I documented around Sarasota over the weekend. I first labeled where I found the typography. I didn't really feel like that was enough though. So I went back and also made a stab to identify what typeface is used.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Collecting Type

I'll admit it, I've been neglecting my blog. 

However, over the weekend I began working on exploration #13: Documenting type found in the world. I decided that I wasn't going to go on a formal trip just to find typography. Instead, I thought it'd be more practical to keep a camera on me at all times and document the type that jumps out at me while I'm running errands. 

So far, I've come to one conclusion: papyrus is everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Particularly on lawn care vehicles. Surprised? I doubt it. We as designers despise this font for a number of reasons which we all are aware of. But what I'm curious to know is why everyone else in the world (non-designers) overuse this font so much!?

(photos to come)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Connections with words+images

When i saw the quote about a self-made millionaire I connected it with all the chips I have. If I had this many chips in Las Vegas I'd be rich.
The existing idea is the chips and colors. I collected and took photos of the palette with its  found item in nature or indoors. I then laid out the palettes and mapped them out according to their given name without its object.

Found word clips

A few of my favorite word clips and quotes from the readings that jumped out at me....

Monday, January 26, 2009

Another stab at the palettes

I was pretty disappointed with my attempt at the exploration. So I thought I'd give it another shot by arranging color palettes from objects indoors & outdoors.

The preparation:

My favorite palettes:

The end result:

First time around

After cutting out the paint chips I went around the room matching the chips to various objects of the same color. Here are a couple examples-

So After awhile I started getting really annoyed | bored with trying to find an object that matched one out of the 200 paint chips scattered all over the floor. Therefore, I decided it'd be a little bit more exciting to group together the colors into palettes.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

world of color-part 2

I'd have to admit that I really got into the first exploration. To start off i ventured off to wal-mart where I collected just about every paint chip palette available on the wall. I walked out of the store feeling like a thief. Don't get me wrong, those puppies are free. However, I had a wad of about 200 stuffed in my purse. Anyway, I got back and began by cutting out about 75 or so color chips. I started matching the chips to a single colored object here and there. Although, it seemed too easy and somewhat effortless. So instead of just one color for something, i started to arrange the chips into color palettes. For example, the room i was in had one wall that's dark grey, one red, and another tan. This opened the door to a lot more options. Although were moving on to the next exercise, I'm still going to continue this one with color palettes in nature.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

world of color

I was finally able to get the book (how to be an explorer of the world) today. After flipping through it I decided I'm going to do exploration #7, "world of color". I'm quite fond of the idea of collecting a ton of paint chips, cutting them up, and searching for objects that match them in my surroundings.